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Chicago Faucets Glossary of Terms and Definitions
Chicago Faucets Glossary of Terms and Definitions; Here you can find the meaning of words/extensions found in the product descriptions and Product Codes on our website. AB1953 California As
Why is water coming out of my tub spout while I'm taking a shower, is this normal?
A small stream of water (about the thickness of a pencil or less) coming from the tub spout while the valve is in the shower position is normal. If the stream of water is more than this the diverter/
Thermostatic Valve
A Thermostatic Mixing Valve is a valve that blends hot water with cold water to ensure constant, safe outlet temperatures preventing scalding. The key function of a Thermostatic mixing valve is the a
Multiport Diverter
A Multiport Diverter valve can switch the path of water between several outlets. Multiport Diverters are often found in shower systems with more than one function. A contemporary shower system can co
Volume Control
A Volume Control is a valve that simply opens and shuts the water. As you open the control valve, the volume of water supplied to the outlet will be increased. There are many types of volume control